Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Horned Lizard (Weirdest Reptile) Video

Meet the weirdest animal in the world guys!! haha,

Horned Lizard can spread a blood from eyes! Watch this video and you will amaze!

Thorny Devil

A whole body of Thorny Devil in desert.

Good morning all! Today is a great day with cloudy day and windy maybe heheh...

So, today i want to share one of my favorite animal, guess what? Thorny Devil! haha...
If you are OZ, you will know what is this, because this the one of animal live in Australia especially desert and scrubland area.
Let's start!

The thorny devil is an Australian lizard, also known as the mountain devil, this is the sole species of genus Moloch. The Thorny Devil grow up to 20cm in length and it can live up to 20 years.


An intimidating array of spikes cover the entire upper side of the body of the Thorny dragon.These Thorny scales also help to defend it from predators. camouflage and deception may also be used to evade predator.The lizard unusual gait involves freezing and rocking as it moves about slowly in search of food, water, and mates.


The Thorny devil eats only ants, mainly one particular kind of ant, eating around 1000-3000 ants in a single meal. However, it eats the ants one at a time, flicking its sticky tongue in and out quickly.It drinks water in a most unusual way. When either rain or dew lands on the Thorny devil's back, the water flows along thousand of grooves between the spines that lead to the corners of its mouth so that it can drink.


Like many animal, Thorny devil have a predator like bustards and goanas. However Thorny devil have an air predator like a falcon.

Self Defence

Thorny devil is not aggresive. It has quite a few ways of hiding or defending itself from threatened:
  • Change color to match it surrounding.
  • Protect its head and trick a predator by hiding its head between its front legs, leaving its false head showing.
  • If a predator try to flip it onto its back, the Thorny devil uses its spike and curved tail to anchor itself onto the ground.
  • It can imitate a leaf flicked by a breeze.
  • It can puff itself up to look larger.

Thorny Devil Top Facts

  • Between the scales of Thorny Devil there are narrow channels which use capillary action to draw droplets of dew or rain towards its mouth.
  • Feeding almost entirely on small black ants, the thorny devil can consume up to 5000 ants in a single meal.
  • The scientific name of the thorny devil, Molloch Horridus, is said to derived from John Milton's poem, Paradise Lost.
  • The thorny devil can change color to provide better camouflage depending on its surrounding.

Conservation Status

Thorny Devil has not yet been classified on the IUCN Red list. It means, thorny devil have a good population in wildlife. We still have to protect this little reptile from extinction. We never know what happen in the future, but we still can prevent an extnction from now!

This the picture of Thorny Devil head. Looks like a primitive reptile.

Komodo Dragon

Picture of Komodo's in Komodo Island, Indonesia.
Hi readers, how are you today? hope you all enjoy your day hahaha.....
Today i want to share an unique species and this species just can be found in my country Indonesia, guess what? Komodo Dragon!!

From the name, i think you will try to imagine that creatures have a large 2 wings, long tail, and spread the fire from the mouth, but wait! This creature actually can't fly, not have a wing, can't spread fire, and walk with 4 legs hehe...

Allright, let start with the article about komodo now. Enjoy!!


Komodo Dragon have thrived in the harsh climate of indonesia's Lesser Sunda Island for millions of years, althought amazingly, their existence was unknown to humans untill about 100 years ago.


  • Reaching 10 feet/3m in length and more than 300 pounds/136kg, Komodo Dragon are the heaviest lizard in the world.
  • Have a long, flat heads with rounded snouts, bowed legs, and huge muscular tails.
  • Serrated teeth that can measure up to 2.5 cm/1inch in length.
  • Saliva is frequently blood-tinged
  • Has a long, yellow, deeply forked tongue.
  • Skin is reinforced by armoured scales, which contain tiny bones called osteoderms that function as a sort of natural chain mail.


As a dominant predator on the handful of islands they inhabit, they will eat almost anything, including carrion, deer, pigs, smaller dragons, and even large water buffalo and humans. When hunting, Komodo dragons rely on camouflage and patience, lying in wait for passing prey. When a victims ambles by, the dragon springs, using its powerful legs, sharp claws and serrated, shark- like teeth to evicerate its prey.


The find dispels the common belief that toxic bacteria in Komodo's mouth are responsible for ultimately killing the dragons prey.
The team found that the dragon's venom rapidly decreases blood pressure, expedites blood loss, and send a victim into shock, rendering it to weak to fight.

The Myth

Before i continue this part, i was shocking when read an article that before Komodo's dragon identified, Komodo's categorize into cryptid or myth creature. I was amazed that Komodo is the one of cryptid creature that succesfully identified by science and it's like an oportunity to discover more cryptid creature such as nessie, ogopogo, or mokele mbembe. Anyway here's the story before Komodo categorized as real animal or lizard.

By the early twentieth century, Western Science had determined Giant lizard were nothing more than a relic of the prehistoric past. Thus when pearl fishermen returned from the Lesser Sunda, in Indonesia with tales about montrous "Land Crocodile", there accounts were met with overwhelming scepticism. An expedition from Buitenzong Zoological Museum in Java, produce a report of the creatures, but the legendary dragons of Komodo faded into obscurity as WW 1 took precedence.

Then, in 1926 an expedition from the Museum of American Natural History confirmed that the tales of giant lizard were true. W.Douglas Burden, the leader of expedition, returned with twelve preserved specimens and two lives ones. The world was introduce to Komodo dragon, a massive monitor lizard that grows up to 10 feet. 

The 1926 expedition to Komodo served as the inspiration for King Kong, in which a similar expedition to a foreign island reveals prehistoric megafauna.

Allright readers, hope you can get more information about Komodo dragons and more love this unique creatures and more love the wildlife and nature. Thank you...
